ࡱ>  @ Rbjbj))7KzKz7:jdL84<(..,GURjQ___..[-4_b.._P.0 ]/誓N, LT a<x  p PP& vݡ___SZ8^ZElectronic template for national reporting to I-GOOS-VIII (June 2007), due 1 May 2007 The ocean observing system 2007: National contributions and intended future commitments Introduction Information is requested about your national contributions and commitments to four areas of the ocean observing system: observations, data management, products and services, coordination activities including capacity building. The I-GOOS officers have identified the June 2007 meeting of the IOC-WMO-UNEP Intergovernmental Committee for the Global Ocean Observing System (I-GOOS-VIII) as the inauguration of the process of sustaining the observing system. GOOS works in partnership with JCOMM, IODE, GCOS, GTOS, and GOOS Regional Alliances (GRAs). The purposes of this national reporting are to: clearly identify national contributions and commitments to the ocean observing system to serve as a benchmark in measuring future progress, identify the national and international partnerships contributing to the ocean observing system; and in doing so promote national and international coordination, serve the reporting and information needs of each of the coordinating bodies involved in aspects of the ocean observing system, as well as report up to the GEOSS system of systems and to the UNFCCC through GCOS, provide source material for a catalog of potential additional sustained contributions to the Global Ocean Observing System, allow countries to report on their priorities for the ocean observing system. The request to fill out this report has been sent out by IOC Circular Letter 2160 to the IOC Member States. It requests the  HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-goos.org/i-goos" national I-GOOS representative to take the lead in compiling the national report. Copies of this letter have also been sent to the Permanent Representatives of WMO Members,  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewGroupRecord&groupID=59&Itemid=42" national IODE coordinators, and UNEP Regional Seas focal points. Compiling this report may require coordination across many different national agencies, organizations, and individuals, and we recognize that this will require a substantial investment in time and effort. Also, a number of GRAs are now in place and you may wish to coordinate your responses within the GRA. Individual national points of contact for particular aspects of the ocean observing system in your nation may have already provided information through separate requests, and clear references to these other questionnaires are given at the appropriate points below to avoid duplication of effort and promote consistency. Some of the questions are repeated from the  HYPERLINK "http://ioc.unesco.org/goos/MS/General/nation.htm" 2005 I-GOOS national reports, and your previous answers may guide you. GOOS modules and implementation goals GOOS has been developing through two separate modules: the global module and the coastal module. The global module of GOOS (also called the 'open-ocean' or 'climate' module) is designed to provide data and information products for climate monitoring, forecasting, and research, and also provides essential inputs to global operational oceanography. It is the ocean module of GCOS. The goals for the initial implementation of the global module of GOOS are written in the ocean chapter of the  HYPERLINK "http://ioc3.unesco.org/oopc/documents/gcos/Implementation_Plan_(GCOS).pdf" GCOS Implementation Plan (GCOS IP), covering actions in satellite and in situ observations, data systems, and the provision of products. A number of the observing networks are coordinated via JCOMM. The 23rd IOC Assembly approved the GCOS IP, which was also approved by the WMO Executive Council and the COP of the UNFCCC. The coastal module of GOOS is intended to contribute to the understanding of the effects of human activity, climate change and natural disasters in coastal systems, through the gathering and interpretation of relevant data. Coastal GOOS is intended to address six societal goals (see Section 3.2 below). Following endorsement by the IOC member states, the  HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-goos.org/goos-125" Design and  HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-goos.org/goos-148" Implementation Strategies for the Coastal Module of GOOS were published in 2003 and 2005 respectively. IOC data exchange policy The 22nd IOC Assembly in 2003 adopted an  HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-goos.org/ioc-xxii-6" IOC Oceanographic Data Exchange Policy through resolution IOC-XXII-6, for the timely, free and unrestricted international exchange of oceanographic data, associated metadata and products generated under the auspices of IOC programmes. If you report on a program that does not follow this policy, please report the specific data exchange policy for that program. Preparing your national report The blue fields () are provided to guide your responses about national activities. If the activities undertaken by your country do not fit the template exactly please provide free-form answers where you find it to be most appropriate. Please specify the URL link whenever further information about or access to data or products is available on the web, as this is often the best and most up-to-date information available. Send your national report in electronic format by 1 May 2007 to Albert Fischer by e-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:a.fischer@unesco.org" a.fischer@unesco.org. If your report is larger than 5 Mb, please contact him for an alternate method of transmission, as the UNESCO mail system cannot accept it. We encourage you to  HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-goos.org/gpo-staff" contact us for assistance with any questions about the template or the overall process. List of acronyms with web links ArgoArgo global array of profiling floatshttp://www.argo.netCEOSCommittee on Earth Observation Satelliteshttp://www.ceos.orgCLIVARWCRP Climate Variability and Predictability Projecthttp://www.clivar.orgCOPConference of the Parties of the UNFCCCDBCPData Buoy Cooperation Panelhttp://www.dbcp.noaa.gov/dbcp/FAOFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nationshttp://www.fao.orgGCOSIOC-WMO-ICSU-UNEP Global Climate Observing Systemhttp://www.wmo.ch/web/gcos/gcoshome.htmlGCOS IPGCOS Implementation Planhttp://www.wmo.ch/web/gcos/Implementation_Plan_(GCOS).pdfGEOSSGlobal Earth Observation System of Systemshttp://www.earthobservations.orgGHRSST-PPGODAE High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Pilot Projecthttp://www.ghrsst-pp.orgGLOSSGlobal Sea Level Observing Systemhttp://www.gloss-sealevel.orgGMDSSGlobal Maritime Distress and Safety Systemhttp://weather.gmdss.orgGODAEGlobal Ocean Data Assimilation Experimenthttp://www.godae.orgGOOSIOC-WMO-UNEP-ICSU Global Ocean Observing Systemhttp://www.ioc-goos.orgGRAGOOS Regional Alliancehttp://www.ioc-goos.org/graGSSCGOOS Scientific Steering Committee http://www.ioc-goos.org/gsscGSOPCLIVAR Global Synthesis and Observations Panelhttp://www.clivar.org/organization/gsop/gsop.phpGTOSFAO-UNEP-WMO-UNESCO-ICSU Global Terrestrial Observing Systemhttp://www.fao.org/gtosGTSGlobal Telecommunication Systemhttp://www.wmo.ch/web/www/TEM/gts.htmlICSUInternational Council for Sciencehttp://www.icsu.orgI-GOOSIOC-WMO-UNEP Intergovernmental Committee for GOOShttp://www.ioc-goos.org/i-goosIGOSIntegrated Global Observing Strategyhttp://www.igospartners.orgIOCIntergovernmental Oceanographic Commissionhttp://ioc.unesco.orgIOCCPInternational Ocean Carbon Coordination Projecthttp://www.ioccp.orgIODEIOC International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchangehttp://www.iode.orgJCOMMJoint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorologyhttp://www.jcomm.infoLMELarge Marine EcosystemOceanSITESOcean reference stationshttp://www.oceansites.orgODINOcean Data and Information Networkhttp://www.iode.orgSOTShip Observations Teamhttp://www.jcommops.org/sot/UNEPUnited Nations Environment Programmehttp://www.unep.orgUNFCCCUnited Nations Framework Convention for Climate Changehttp://www.unfccc.intURLUniform Resource Locator (the web link)WCRPWMO-ICSU-IOC World Climate Research Programmehttp://wcrp.wmo.intWDCICSU World Data Center for ocean dataWISWMO Information Systemhttp://www.wmo.int/web/www/WISweb/home.htmlWMOWorld Meteorological Organizationhttp://www.wmo.int The ocean observing system 2007: National contributions and intended future commitments by Japan This report has been compiled by: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology / 2-5-1 Marunouchi Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-8959JAPAN / E-mail:aki-c@mext.go.jp / Tel:81-3-5222-1007 / Fax:81-6734-3679 with additional input from:Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) / Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport / Japan Coast Guard / JAMSTEC / JAXA /Tokyo University Observations Open-ocean/global observing networks In situ observations defined in the GCOS IP The JCOMM Observations Programme Area coordinator regularly  HYPERLINK "http://www.oco.noaa.gov/index.jsp?show_page=page_country_contributions.jsp&nav=observing" compiles information about national contributions to the following networks defined in the GCOS IP. For 2005 and 2006, report only on discrepancies from this compilation (note in columns below). Please indicate intended future commitments to these networks in the 2007 and 2008+ columns. In situ observing elementnational contributioninternational total200520062007 plans2008+ plansOct 2006goalDBCPSurface drifting buoys21131511561250with barometer121212317600Sea ice buoys (IABP, IPAB)11124Global tropical moored buoy network1717171777119Coastal moorings000109Ocean SITESGlobal reference mooring network629Total time series sites including above11112858GLOSSstations committed to GLOSS15151515206290GLOSS real-time reporting stations1414141481170GLOSS geolocated stations1414141469170SOTHigh-density XBT lines occupied11112264Frequently-repeated XBT lines occupied22*111725VOS AWS ships131717140VOSClim ships5555113200ASAP ships555527ASAP sondes deployed5829386339405319IOCCPCarbon survey (hydrographic lines completed since 2001) 2021631Underway measurements (VOS lines)225529Argoprofiling floats319 (108)380 (115)340 (100)317 (100)25103000in the case of platforms with a fixed lifetime: for the past report on number of nationally-maintained operating platforms at the end of the year; and for the future an estimate of operating platforms based on national planned deployments and expected lifetime (with planned yearly deployments in parenthesis). Optional detail on the numbers reported above: **: PX05, which had been jointly operated by Japan Meteorological Agency and Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology since 2000, had ceased in March 2006. Other open-ocean/global sustained observing networks Please list other open-ocean/global sustained observing networks, including observations for tsunami warning, research observations, and including other networks previously noted and approved as contributions to global GOOS by the GSSC. Include URLs for real-time data streams if appropriate, and note future plans. JMA operates five research vessels in the seas adjacent to Japan, the western North Pacific and the equatorial regions for oceanographic and marine meteorological surveys. JMA has been conducting oceanographic observations along the fixed lines in the waters around Japan every season for more than 50 years, and from the south coast of Japan to the equatorial region in the western North Pacific about 40 years on a semi-annual and seasonal basis. JMA has also been conducting oceanographic surveys from the subarctic region to the equatorial region along 165E about 10 years. These observations cover the fields of physical and biogeochemical oceanography as well as marine meteorology. Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) has conducted research oriented global ocean observations by using research vessels. Although it has various target areas and methods depending on scientific purposes, major observations have been sustainable. In the tropical western Pacific and eastern Indian Ocean, observations has been conducted by using CTD and shipboard ADCP, with surface mooring buoy array maintenance for better understanding upper ocean variability. In the Arctic Ocean, oceanographic and sea ice surveys has been conducted by using CTD, moored buoys, and automated drifting stations to understand the change of the ice and ocean in response to global climate change. Also JAMSTEC has repeated WOCE type high accuracy and land-to-land hydrographic observations to clarify heat, fresh water and material transport by the ocean general circulation and their variability. In the vicinity of Japan, JAMSTEC has conducted observations of water properties and velocities of the Kuroshio and the Kuroshio Extension in order to investigate influence of variability of the current path, mass and heat transport of the Kuroshio on distribution of heat and materials in the North Pacific Ocean. In the northwestern North Pacific Ocean, biogeochemical hydrographic observation (nutrients, primary productivity, CO2 etc.) including time-series observation stations K2 (47N, 160E) and KNOT (44N, 155E) has been conducted for understanding the material cycle. Research and development supporting open-ocean observations Please describe national activities aimed at improving the techniques and methods used in the open-ocean observing networks. Satellite observations Requirements for satellite observations for the global and coastal modules of GOOS are provided in the GCOS IP and the Implementation Strategy for the coastal module of GOOS. CEOS maintains a  HYPERLINK "http://www.eohandbook.com/eohb05/ceos/part3_2.html" compilation by variable of current and planned satellite missions. Please note any change or omissions in national plans from the CEOS compilation: Japans Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for EOS (AMSR-E) on Aqua provides global SST under all-weather conditions, and ocean wind speed data since 2002. Phased Array L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (PALSAR) of Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) provides data on sea surface wind and wave spectrum, sea ice and other valuable all-weather, day and night source of information on oceanographic features including fronts, eddies and internal waves since 2006. AMSR2 of GCOM-W which targets at launch in 2012 will provide data on ocean wind speed. SGLI of GCOM-C which is being planned for launch in 2013 will provide SST and ocean color data. CEOS has also prepared a  HYPERLINK "http://www.ceos.org/CEOS Response to the GCOS IP.pdf" plan of actions responding to the UNFCCC (section 3.2 covers ocean satellites) based on GCOS IP requirements. Please describe national contributions and commitments to the actions in this plan: Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) is developing its implementation plan for CEOS plan of actions to respond to GCOS IP requirements. Among ocean related ECVs, Japans AMSR-E on Aqua provides data on all weather SST and sea ice since 2002. PALSAR of ALOS provides data on sea state and sea ice since 2006. AMSR2 of GCOM-W will provide data on all weather SST and sea ice beyond 2012. SGLI of GCOM-C will provide data on SST and ocean color beyond 2013. It is important to identify the major impediments to progress (e.g. fiscal restraints, government awareness, etc.) for the ocean observing system. Please provide information on national impediments to progress in the sustained global ocean observing networks. Coastal observations Please list routine observational programmes that measure variables considered important to meeting regional or national priorities for data and information, including but not exclusive to the common variables of the proposed global coastal network under the coastal module of GOOS. If possible, include information on future plans and a simple description of how data is made available (GTS, data center, web, etc.). It is useful to note programmes taking place through a GRA, and those taken at the national level. Specify the responsible institution(s). In Japan, tide stations are operated by several national and local governmental organizations including JMA, Japan Coast Guard (JCG) and Geographical Survey Institute (GSI). These three organizations run 71, 30 (including Syowa tide station in the Antarctic) and 25 tide stations, respectively. All of three organizations sites and several sites gauge data are integrating for real time information, to aim at disaster prevention such as tsunami monitoring. Sea level information at more than one hundred stations among them are displayed at the web site (in Japanese)  HYPERLINK "http://www.jma.go.jp/jp/choi/list1.html" http://www.jma.go.jp/jp/choi/list1.html. Among these stations, 14 JMAs tide stations and Syowa tide station are registered at the GLOSS Core Network (GCN). In Tokyo-Bay, to catch the occurrence of hypoxia, JCG operates the "Monitoring Post" which is a self-elevating sensor system on Chiba light beacon, observing the water quality variables including concentration of dissolved oxygen, salinity, temperature and ocean current. Observation data are displayed at the web-site (in Japanese) ( HYPERLINK "http://www4.kaiho.mlit.go.jp/kaihoweb/index.jsp" http://www4.kaiho.mlit.go.jp/kaihoweb/index.jsp) Please describe any regional or national observations of harmful algae occurrences, harmful algal events, or algal blooms, including specifics and future plans if appropriate. Specify the responsible institution(s). In Japan harmful algae occurrences are monitored by local governmental organizations such as fisheries experimental stations and also fisheries cooperative unions. Red tides data such as scales of occurrence (size, duration) together with causative organisms, environmental condition and suffered fisheries damages are shown in web sites of the stations often in delayed mode. Toxin contamination in fisheries products (shellfish, tunicates etc.) caused by harmful toxic algae is monitored by institutes of public health of local government, but data of toxin amounts are usually not available. Instead closure of harvesting or marketing toxin contaminated products is announced directly to related fisheries cooperative unions, and sometimes data on duration of closure is shown in web sites of local fisheries experimental station. These data are reported to the Fisheries Agency of the central government, and Setonaikai Fisheries Coordination Offices of the Agency posts part of cumulative data from of in their web site (in Japanese) http://www.jfa.maff.go.jp/stfco/akasio/index.html for local peoples. As one of international cooperative activities, the Fisheries Research Agency assists data-base establishment on harmful algae of PICES0http://www.pices.int/members/sections/HAB.aspx, which works with ICES and IOC together to establish IOC/ICES/PICES HAE-DAT (Harmful Algal Event Database). Japan provides various types of data on harmful algal occurrences collected by the Fisheries Agency. The HAE-DAT is still under construction, because data collected in IOC/ICES/PICES member countries are different each other in its component and collection protocol. Japan will continue its efforts to make useful database through the HAE-DAT. It is important to identify the major impediments to progress (e.g. fiscal restraints, government awareness, etc.) for the ocean observing system. Please provide information on national impediments to progress in the sustained coastal ocean observing networks. Data management For open-ocean/global observations Real-time data streams For the observations reported in Section 1.1, please describe the national contribution to real-time acquisition, quality-control, archival and dissemination for each of the global observing networks, including URLs if appropriate. Specify the institution(s) responsible. DBCP Surface drifters operated by JMA transmit observational data via ORBCOMM at three-hourly interval. All the data are processed at JMA headquarter and input to the GTS in real-time. 17 TRITON buoys operated by JAMSTEC transmit observational data using ARGOS system. All the data are input to GTS by CLS/Service Argos. Quality controlled data are displayed after 24 hours on the web site operated by JAMSTEC:  HYPERLINK "http://www.jamstec.go.jp/jamstec/TRITON/real_time/php/top.php" http://www.jamstec.go.jp/jamstec/TRITON/real_time/php/top.php OceanSITES GLOSS JMA sends hourly data of 16 stations, including the 14 GCN stations, to GLOSS Fast Data Center at Hawaii University and monthly mean data of 69 tide stations to the Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL) at Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory operationally. SOT IOCCP Japan currently implemented a series of repeat hydrography in the North Pacific Ocean along WOCE lines namely P01, P03, P06 and P10 in 1999, 2005, 2003 and 2005 respectively. Remarkable circum Southern Hemisphere cruise was carried out by R.V. Mirai in 2003/4. Hydrographic data obtained by these cruises were submitted to JODC and the international data center (the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, and the Global Repeat Hydrography and Carbon Project) after full quality control, and opened for international community. Argo JMA, the Japan DAC, has operationally processed data from all the Japanese Argo and Argo-equivalent floats including 362 active floats as of April 10, 2007. Nine Japanese PIs have agreed to provide data to the international Argo data management. All profiles from those floats are transmitted to GDACs in netCDF format and issued to GTS using TESAC code after real-time QC on an operational basis. JAMSTEC makes a scientific quality-control of all Argo floats deployed by Japanese PIs. The scientifically quality-controlled data is sent to GDAC and freely accessed via internet and used by anyone around the world for many scientific purposes. JAMSTEC operates the Pacific Argo Regional Center (PARC) in cooperation with CSIRO and IPRC (http://www.jamstec.go.jp/ARGORC/). The principal function of PARC is monitoring quality control level of all Argo data obtained in the North and South Pacific and inform the principal investigators when the quality control level has some doubts. Satellite observations JAXA Earth Observation Research Center (EORC) processes, archives and distributes all the JAXAs Earth observation satellite data, including AMSR-E on Aqua and PALSAR of ALOS. Local MODIS and AMSR-E data directly received are being disseminated on near-real time basis to operational users. Other open-ocean sustained observations reported in Section 1.1 Hydrographic data observed on board research vessels operated by JMA are transmitted via MTSAT and input to GTS with TESAC code immediately after the observation. Delayed-mode archives Are data from the global observations above collected by a national center being transferred to the ICSU World Data Centers for oceanography (WDC)? If so, please note which one, and with what frequency the data are transferred to the WDC. A part of data from the global observations above is collected by Japan Oceanographic Data Center (JODC) which is the national oceanographic data center of Japan, and JODC is transferring the collected data to WDC yearly. Are any of the global observing networks archiving data elsewhere? If so, where? Oceanographic and marine meteorological observation data by research vessels and ocean data buoys of JMA is available on the web site:  HYPERLINK "http://www.data.kishou.go.jp/kaiyou/db/vessel_obs/data-report/html/index_e.htm" http://www.data.kishou.go.jp/kaiyou/db/vessel_obs/data-report/html/index_e.htm Please list any data archeology or data reprocessing activities for open-ocean/global reanalysis: The Ocean Research Institute of the University of Tokyo has initiated in 2006 a data archaeology activity in which marine plankton data collected by universities and stored in paper forms have been digitized and made available through data centers. This is one of Japanese contributions to GODAR project. Partnerships What are your national plans to make the data streams and archives reported on in this section compatible with the WMO Information System (WIS)? All the data currently available on GTS, such as VOS marine reports, shipboard and Argo ocean profile data and buoy data will be made compatible with WIS. It is important to identify the major impediments to progress (e.g. fiscal restraints, government awareness, etc.) for the ocean observing system. Please provide information on national impediments to progress in sustained open-ocean/basin-scale data management activities. For coastal observations Real-time data streams For the observations reported in Section 1.2, please describe real-time acquisition, quality-control, archival and dissemination arrangements, including URLs if appropriate. Specify the institution(s) responsible. All of the JMA tide stations make measurements at approximately one-second interval. Observational data are transmitted to the headquarters of JMA on a real-time basis via ground line and satellite communication systems. The data collected by the JMA headquarters are distributed to the local meteorological observatories on a real-time basis. JMA also processes the data to produce hourly sea level data and monthly mean sea level data. JCG Monitoring post makes observation every 60 minutes. Observed data are transmitted to the headquarters of JCG via mobile phone data network. Delayed-mode archives Are data from the coastal observations above and collected by a national center being transferred to the ICSU World Data Centers for oceanography (WDC)? If so, please note which one, and with what frequency the data are transferred to the WDC. Are any of the coastal observing networks archiving data elsewhere? If so, where? The oceanographic data and related information obtained by various oceanographic research institutes in Japan are archived in the Japan Oceanographic Data Center (JODC). Hourly sea level data of more than hundred tide stations in Japan including GCN stations and other oceanographic data are available at the JODC website:  HYPERLINK "http://www.jodc.go.jp/index.html" http://www.jodc.go.jp/index.html Partnerships What are your national plans to make the data streams and archives reported in this section compatible with the WMO Information System (WIS)? It is important to identify the major impediments to progress (e.g. fiscal restraints, government awareness, etc.) for the ocean observing system. Please provide information on national impediments to progress in sustained coastal ocean data management activities. Your  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewGroupRecord&groupID=59&Itemid=42" national IODE coordinator has been asked to report in detail on data management and archiving activities by national questionnaire for IODE-XIX in March 2007. Your contributions are extremely important and valuable. Please ensure the requested information is submitted. Products and services Production of ocean environmental information For each contribution below, please specify the responsible institution/person and a URL if available, and summarize: the outputs, the main user communities, and the observational requirements. Open-ocean/global products and services Please list national contributions to global/basin-scale ocean climate analyses or reanalyses (e.g., those coordinated through CLIVAR GSOP, GHRSST-PP) Please list national contributions to global/basin-scale operational ocean forecasting (such as those coordinated through GODAE) Please list other nationally-produced open-ocean/basin-scale products or services (including analyses, forecasts, or warnings for sea ice, waves, storm surges, tsunami, currents, pollution, search-and-rescue support, etc.). JMA produces and distributes various oceanographic products operationally on web site and by radio facsimile. It includes sea surface and sub-surface temperature, ocean current, sea surface height and sea ice distributions. JMA set up a Japan GODAE server (http://godae.kishou.go.jp/), which provides LAS interface to a global sea surface temperature analysis (Merged in situ and satellite Global Daily SST: MGDSST), which is a Japan GHRSST product. The output from the ocean data assimilation system, COMPASS-K, which is a Japanese contribution to GODAE, operated in JMA for monitoring and predicting ocean state in the western North Pacific, is also provided with the Japan GODAE server. Those products are also available on the NEAR-GOOS Regional Real Time Data Base ( HYPERLINK "http://goos.kishou.go.jp" http://goos.kishou.go.jp) which is operated by JMA and the NEAR-GOOS Regional Delayed Mode Data Base (HYPERLINK "http://near-goos1.jodc.go.jp/"http://near-goos1.jodc.go.jp/) which is operated by JODC. And, the RDMDB receives the data from the RRTDB 30 days after they are collected. JMA operates an Ocean Data Assimilation System (ODAS) for monitoring El Nio and providing oceanic initial condition to a Coupled ocean-atmosphere General Circulation Model (JMA-CGCM02) for the prediction of ENSO. The output of ODAS is fed to an interactive graphic tool for the analysis of tropical ocean status. Some figures based on ODAS outputs are included in the Monthly Report on Climate System of JMA, and provided through the Tokyo Climate Center (TCC) Web site ( HYPERLINK "http://cpd2.kishou.go.jp/tcc" http://cpd2.kishou.go.jp/tcc). For the safety of ship navigation, JMA issues forecasts and warnings on marine weather as well as forecasts on ocean waves in the vicinity of Japan and in the western north Pacific and sea ice information. JMA is the Issuing Service for METAREA XI within the framework of GMDSS. As the Area Meteorological and Oceanographic Coordinator (AMOC) for region XI (B), JMA issues information to support marine pollution emergency response operations on high seas under the framework of MPERSS. JMA conducts tsunami advisory service for the northwestern Pacific and the Indian Ocean regions under the framework of the Intergovernmental Coordination Groups (ICGs) for the Pacific and the Indian Ocean tsunami warning and mitigation systems of the IOC. When a large earthquake occurs in those regions, JMA quickly provides information on the quake and expected tsunami to the relevant countries by the GTS, e-mail and facsimile. If the tsunami is actually observed at sea level stations, the observation data is also announced accordingly. JAMSTEC operates the Pacific Argo Regional Center (PARC) in cooperation with CSIRO and IPRC (http://www.jamstec.go.jp/ARGORC/) as an essential contribution to the international Argo. On the basis of Argo data obtained in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, JAMSTEC issues a variety of products such as maps of float trajectory, temperature, salinity, density, dynamic height anomaly, geostrophic current, and mixed layer depth together with the technical data of individual floats (http://www.jamstec.go.jp/ARGO/). In order to represent realistic climate states on seasonal to interannual time scales by using a coupled atmosphere-ocean-land surface model, JAMSTEC has constructed a leading-edge 4D-VAR full-coupled data assimilation system capable of incorporating reasonably both atmospheric and oceanic observational data into models. The practical application of the full0coupled system provided a comprehensive reanalysis dataset during 1996-1998 when the biggest El Nino happened. Analysis revealed that the dataset can provide greater information content and forecast potential than that made by earlier systems. This coupled data assimilation product is provided on the website for scientists ( HYPERLINK "http://www.jamstec.go.jp/frcgc/k7-dbase2/eng/" http://www.jamstec.go.jp/frcgc/k7-dbase2/eng/) and is the outcome of the Kyousei subject #7 (K-7) of RR2002: Project for Sustainable Coexistence of Human, Nature, and the Earth that was funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) from 2002 to 2006. (JAMSTEC) Please describe national contributions to GMDSS broadcasts if appropriate. JMA accepted responsibility as Issuing Service for METAREA XI (POR). JMA broadcasts meteorological warnings, meteorological synopsis and tropical cyclone forecasts for the area XI on SafetyNET. Japans area of responsibility for NAVTEX is within around 300 nautical miles from the coast of Japan. Marine forecasts and warnings, and tsunami warnings and advisories are broadcast on NAVTEX. Coastal products and services List regional/coastal products and services, including analyses, forecasts, or warnings of sea level, storm surge, and localized tsunami warning, mariner's forecasts (coastal ocean temperature and waves) or harmful algal bloom warnings. JMA issues various coastal oceanographic products and services including real-time sea level observations, tide prediction, wave analysis, forecast and warnings, storm surge warnings. JAMSTEC conducts an ocean weather forecast experiment as a part of the Japan Coastal Ocean Predictability Experiment (JCOPE). The present JCOPE system has achieved near operational forecast using almost all available data obtained from satellites, ARGO floats and ships. The ocean current forecasting near Japan is provided on the website for scientists and public use (e.g. selection of ship courses). ( HYPERLINK "http://www.jamstec.go.jp/frcgc/jcope/" http://www.jamstec.go.jp/frcgc/jcope/) Tools Are the model systems, model outputs, or data sets and services used to produce the global and regional products reported on above available or used by a larger community? If so, please provide a description of the applications and user requirements (e.g., URL, web pages, papers or a short description). JMA has provided its storm surge model as a training material in a series of capacity building workshops organized by WMO Tropical Cyclone Programme and JCOMM for the Asian and West Pacific region. The model was distributed to the participants of the workshops in CD-ROM along with related data and documents for the use in their offices. Partnerships Does your nation have a secondary value-added industry providing downstream ocean products or services? If so, please provide details on significant downstream services in your nation. Indicate if and how these interface with government agencies. Please provide information on national impediments to the production of ocean environmental information (e.g., model skill, lack of data, lack of funding)? Application of ocean environmental information Open-ocean/global information For the open-ocean/global products and services reported on above (serving climate monitoring, forecasting, or research; or a specific operational purpose), please provide narrative answers, highlighting success stories if possible, to the following questions: Is the environmental information being successfully incorporated into problem-solving or decision-making for societal benefit? If so, how? What were key factors in reaching this success? If not, what are the major impediments to progress? What are the priority societal problems faced by your nation that could have solutions depending on open-ocean/global environmental information, but currently lack this input? Coastal information For each societal goal in Coastal GOOS (see below), please provide narrative answers, highlighting success stories if possible, to the following questions: What are the major problems facing your nation? Is the environmental information reported on in Section 3.1 becoming part of the solution to those problems? If so, how? If not, what are the major impediments to progress? Detection and prediction of the effects of global climate change on coastal ecosystems Safe and efficient marine operations Effective control and mitigation of the effects of natural hazards Reduced public health risks Protected and restored healthy ecosystems Restored and sustained living marine resources Coordination and capacity-building The ocean observing system builds on and will develop through many existing observing networks and systems. Coordination (meetings, liaison, secretariat support) aimed at creating a rational and integrated system constitutes an important contribution to the system. Global coordination and capacity-building Amount of national contribution to global coordination directly through the IOC: unearmarked funds given to the IOC Trust Fund for the observing system: 2005 total US$ ; 2006 total US$ ; intended future commitment US$ (mark time frame) earmarked funds given to the IOC (note purpose) : 2005 total US$ ; 2006 total US$ ; intended future commitment US$ (mark time frame) in kind support (i.e., secondments to the IOC) : 2005 person-years ; 2006 person years ; intended future commitment (mark time frame) Although Japan contributed various activities related to this item, most of them were implemented by participating institutions/organizations individually in the form of in-kind contribution within their regular budget program. Therefore, we feel estimation of funds contributed directly and/or indirectly to GOOS related activities is quite difficult and hesitate to fill out the above columns. However, following is a part of contributions by Japan. A former Director of the Earthquake and Tsunami Observations Division of JMA was sent to the IOC Tsunami Unit in October 2005 for two years. He has been engaged in driving the establishment of the international tsunami warning and mitigation system especially for the Indian Ocean countries. JMA dispatched a staff member to the International Tsunami Information Center (ITIC) of the IOC in April 2007 for a term of one year. She will support the overall ITIC activities. Regarding to IOCCP activities, Japan co-sponsored/hosted a series of workshops on: - International pCO2 Sensor Intercomparison Experiment (March 2003) - Ocean Surface pCO2, Data Integration and Database Development (January 2004) - International Repeat Hydrography and Carbon Workshop (November 2005). Amount of national contribution to global coordination directly through the WMO (specify financial and in kind contributions as above): The Ocean Research Institute of the University of Tokyo (ORI) hosted the 11th session of the Ocean Observations Panel for Climate (OOPC-11) held in Tokyo, May 16-20, 2006. Travel expenses for invited experts from Korea and China, and some of Japanese scientists, who all contributed particularly in the discussion of regional ocean climate activities, were covered by ORI. Comments on global coordination mechanisms (suggestions and feedback on the functioning of the coordination mechanisms GOOS, JCOMM, IODE and GCOS, their governing and subsidiary bodies, and secretariats): Capacity-building activities: please list projects that are a direct contribution to developing capacity to build or benefit from the ocean observing system at a global level. Include information on the goals, beneficiaries, methods, investment and future plans. The IOC/GLOSS training course was held in Tokyo in May 2006 hosted by JMA. Eleven trainees from 7 countries in Asia, Africa and Oceania were participated in the course. Regional coordination and capacity-building Please detail any changes to your national or institutional participation in regional coordination bodies (GRAs, UNEP Regional Seas Conventions, FAO Regional Fisheries Bodies, LMEs) from the compilation (January 2003) found in Tables VIII.1 and VIII.2 of  HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-goos.org/goos-125x" Annex VIII of the Coastal Strategic Implementation Plan for GOOS. No change. Please report below on both financial and in kind contributions. Amount of national contribution to regional coordination through GRAs: Two experts from JMA and JCG serve as the members of the coordinating committee for NEAR-GOOS. Two experts from JMA and Tohoku University serve as the leaders of the NEAR-GOOS working groups. Amount of national contribution to regional coordination through other IOC projects: Director of JODC serves as the coordinator of Ocean Data and Information Network for WESTPAC pilot project (ODINWESTPAC-PP). Amount of national contribution to regional coordination through other bodies: Please list regional projects to develop capacity across nations to build or benefit from the ocean observing system. Include information on the goals, beneficiaries, methods, investment and future plans. A series of Regional Workshop on Storm Surge and Wave Forecasting has been held in Asian countries almost every year since 2002. While the first workshop addressed the basic capacities needed for ocean forecasting in the different nations within the South China Sea region, the second and third workshops provided participants with hands-on training in numerical forecasting of waves and storm surges connected with tropical cyclones. JMA has contributed to the workshops by providing a lecturer and training material including a software package of a storm surge model. The 8th IOC/WESTPAC training course on NEAR-GOOS data management was held in Tokyo in 22 Feb. - 3 Mar. 2006 hosted by JODC. Seven trainees from 7 countries in Western Pacific region were participated in the course. National coordination and capacity-building What is your mechanism for coordination of national agency and institution implementation of the ocean observing system? Are both ocean-related (oceanographic, hydrographic, fisheries, environmental, etc.) and meteorological agencies and institutions included? Specify if you have a National GOOS Committee. The sub-commission for IOC is a coordination body to govern the IOC related activities, under the Japan National Commission for UNESCO. Several oceanographic committees, such as JCOMM and IODE national committees, Japan Argo steering committee, function as the coordination mechanisms for corresponding components of the ocean observing system. Japan doesnt have an active body for national GOOS coordination. Please report on national priority requirements for improved capacity to build or benefit from the ocean observing system, and on national plans to address and sustain that capacity requirement.  http://www.ioc-goos.org/i-goos  http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewGroupRecord&groupID=59&Itemid=42  http://ioc.unesco.org/goos/MS/General/nation.htm  http://ioc3.unesco.org/oopc/documents/gcos/Implementation_Plan_(GCOS).pdf  http://www.ioc-goos.org/goos-125  http://www.ioc-goos.org/goos-148  http://www.ioc-goos.org/ioc-xxii-6  http://www.ioc-goos.org/gpo-staff  http://www.oco.noaa.gov/index.jsp?show_page=page_country_contributions.jsp&nav=observing  national SOT coordinators have been requested to fill out a report by March 2007 on their activities. Please ensure the answers above are consistent.  These include the Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network (GCRMN), the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) survey, and the International Bottom Trawl Survey (IBTS).  http://www.eohandbook.com/eohb05/ceos/part3_2.html  http://www.ceos.org/CEOS%20Response%20to%20the%20GCOS%20IP.pdf  Tables II.3a, II.3b, II.7 in Annex II of the  HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-goos.org/goos-148" Implementation Strategy for the Coastal Module of GOOS Wbc?@6"#z{$%STZ[\ab<=mnĸĨĸĨĸĨĸĨҝĸĨĸĨĸhPd6CJOJQJjhPd0JCJOJQJUhPd0JCJOJQJjhPdCJOJQJUhPdCJOJQJhPd56CJOJQJhPd5CJOJQJhPd5CJOJQJ9VWX: H Y p  G  i#v:i#v:i#i#i#i#i#i#si#si#si#si#si#si#si#si#si#si#si#si#si#si#s $ & F(xa$gdPd $ & F(a$gdPd $ & F'xa$gdPd $ & F'a$gdPd $xa$gdPdgdPdX7ii#si#si#si#si#s i#s$If$a$gdPd $xa$gdPd  %&:; i`a   .!/!!!!樜樜tttttttttthPdCJOJQJnHtHhPdCJOJQJjhPd0JCJOJQJUhPd0JCJOJQJjhPdCJOJQJUhPd5CJOJQJ *hPdCJOJQJhPd56CJOJQJhPd56CJOJQJhPdCJOJQJjhPdCJH*OJQJU-e___$Ifkd$$IflFD A$D!  t0    44 lalpJ`e___$Ifkd$$IflFD A$D!  t0    44 lalp`aee__$IfkdB$$IflFD A$D!  t0    44 lalp}www$Ifkd$$Ifl0DA$D t044 lalp  e___$Ifkdd$$IflFD A$D!  t0    44 lalp  $ V  e___$Ifkd$$IflFD A$D!  t0    44 lalp e___$Ifkd$$IflFD A$D!  t0    44 lalp !.!e___$IfkdG$$IflFD A$D!  t0    44 lalp.!/!9!u!!e___$Ifkd$$IflFD A$D!  t0    44 lalp!!!!!e___$Ifkd$$IflFD A$D!  t0    44 lalp!!!" 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biological and socio-economic observation variables. Please note that the lists should not be considered exclusive of other observation needs that may exist locally, nationally or regionally.  please note in particular changes from Table 16 (page 79) in the  HYPERLINK "http://ioc3.unesco.org/oopc/documents/gcos/Implementation_Plan_(GCOS).pdf" GCOS IP, which describes international data centres and activities by variable.  http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewGroupRecord&groupID=59&Itemid=42  http://www.ioc-goos.org/goos-125x     The ocean observing system 2007  PAGE 1 34WXY[\^_abdɺɩ#hy$hCJOJQJnHo(tH!hv/0JCJOJQJmHnHuhhfN0JCJOJQJjhhfN0JCJUhhfNCJOJQJjhv/Uhv/hfNjhfN0JUdi#j50P:p{. 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" Oh+'0=  0 < H T`hpxQuestionnaireAlbert FischerNormalaki-c6Microsoft Word 10.0@vA@h@|'ţ@n媓BGP<QtB    cZ.@"Arial- :2 mN^hThe ocean observing system 2007 -***&*)**)&*%*)&%&*?)**) 2 m^h  2 mV ^h  2 m4^h1* 2 m^^h Kh^'@"Arial-R2 N/^hElectronic template for national reporting to Iv7.. 33..J3..3 3/33. .33 333 2 C ^h-2 _ ^hGOOSAAA7 2 Y ^h-;2 u ^hVIII (June 2007), due 1 May 20077.33./...34..G.-../. 2 e^h L 2 N^h K@"Arial- 2 zN^h K-=2 N!^hThe ocean observing system 2007: GGA!GAAAG!GGAA.@!GG!B>A'Ah!AAAA&! 2  ^h K\2 N6^hNational contributions and intended future commitmentsTA'!GGA!!AGG&.!GG&!GGA!AGG!!G'AGGAF!'G'G.@!AGhg!'h@G'A 2 ^h K 2 N^h K 2 N^h K 2 N^h K@"Arial--2 N ^hIntroduction8$888288 2 f^h J@"Arial- 2 N^h K-h2 [N>^hInformation is requested about your national contributions and22M233.2433-333333-3333333.333333.33382 [= ^h commitments to four areas of .3LMM32.232333-242 N^hthe ocean observing system:o333.33233.2-34.-.3M 2 ^h J2 `^h1.3 2 `0^h J2 `z ^hobservations,33.3-333. 2 `^h Jh^'2 ^h2.3 2 0^h J#2 z^hdata management,333M33243M32 2 w^h Jh^'2 2 ^h3.3 2 2 0^h J,2 2 z^hproducts and services,3333.-333.3-.3. 2 2 ^h Jh^'2 ^h4.3 2 0^h J[2 z5^hcoordination activities including capacity building. s.33333333--3.3.3334.333.-33333 2 \ ^h Kh^'2 7 N^hThe II932< 2 7 A^h-h2 7 `>^hGOOS officers have identified the June 2007 meeting of the IOCGGH=<2.3.<23-3<33333;33;.332<3333;M3323<2<32<HB 2 7 ^h-2 7 ^hWMO[JH 2 7 ^h-2 7 ^hUNEP IBB=<2 N ^hIntergovernm3243-33M_2 k8^hental Committee for the Global Ocean Observing System (I333 B2LM322 32 H333 G-333 H3.2-34 =-.3M 2 ^h-2 ^hGOOSHGH= 2 )^h-2 H ^hVIII) as the < 3. 322 NZ^hinauguration of the process of sustaining the observing system. GOOS works in partnership 33343233 232 23-3.. 2.3-3333 32 32.3-34.-.3LGGH=A3/. 2 3232.32n2 s NB^hwith JCOMM, IODE, GCOS, GTOS, and GOOS Regional Alliances (GRAs). B3.BHLKHB=HAH=G8H=333GGH=B34333=33.3.HB<. 2 s h^h J/2  N^hThe purposes of this nat9323333.3-23.33/2  '^hional reporting are to: 33333333323 2  ^h J@Wingdings--- 2 ^h*- 2 ^h l2 zO^hclearly identify national contributions and commitments to the ocean observing .33-<333-<32333<.323333-<332<.2LMM32-;3;32<3.332<33.2-33h^'e2  z<^hsystem to serve as a benchmark in measuring future progress,.-.3M3.2-33.2332.3M3.3M33.3232332243.- 2  d ^h Jh^'- 2 } ^h*- 2 } ^h l2 } zY^hidentify the national and international partnerships contributing to the ocean observing 333-323333333333323333332.33-.3333332323.32333.3-33h^'2 z^hsy.-t2 F^hstem; and in doing so promote national and international coordination,.3M33332333.333M23323333333333333.3233333 2 ^h Kh^'- 2 P^h*- 2 P^h l2 PzV^hserve the reporting and information needs of each of the coordinating bodies involved .3-3333322433323M3333333.233-3233.33333243323.3-4-34h^'2 zS^hin aspects of the ocean observing system, as well as report up to the GEOSS system e33.33.-2323.33333.3-34.-.2M3-A33.33232232H<H==.-.2Lh^'#2 #z^hof systems and t2.-.2M.33222 #^ho the UNFCCC through GCOS,333AB8BBB33243HAH= 2 # ^h Kh^'- 2 ^h*- 2 ^h l2 zY^hprovide source material for a catalog of potential additional sustained contributions to 33-33.33.3M23333.3324233323333333.3.3333.333333.1h^'>2 z"^hthe Global Ocean Observing System,33H333H.233H3.3-34=-.3M 2 e ^h Jh^'- 2 _^h*- 2 _^h l2 _zN^hallow countries to report on their priorities for the ocean observing system. 34A.3333.33333333333.2323.33333.3-33.-.3L 2 _M^h Jh^'22 N^hThe request to fill out th933!2433."2!"33!3p2 6C^his report has been sent out by IOC Circular Letter 2160 to the IOC o."333"33-"3333".32!33"3-"HB"B.33"333"3333!3"32"HA@"Arial---:2 dN^hMember States. It requests the K3M33=23.2432.-32@ Arial-- 2 dV ^hnational I32333 2 d^h-(2 d^hGOOS representativeHGH<333.323-3- @ !nV-  -h^- 2 :\ 1 '-:2 d| ^h to take the lead in compiling 22/2233332.2M334U2 N1^hthe national report. Copies of this letter have as33J33333J332JA333.J2J3.J22J23-3J3:2 # ^hlso been sent to the Permanent .3J3333J.33J3J33J=3M3332--;2 7N ^hRepresentatives of WMO Members, B333.332-3. 2ZJG K3M33. - 22 70^hnational IODE coordinators32333 GB= .333332-- @ !WA0-  -h^- 2  2 '-12 7 ^h, and UNEP Regional Seas s 332 BB== B34333 =33-2 N ^hfocal points.3.3333- 2 8^h J12 ;N^hCompiling this report maysB3M33413-23321L3-j2 ;?^h require coordination across many different national agencies, 224322.333323323-3.-2L33-2323313333322433.3.2 NV^horganizations, and individuals, and we recognize that this will require a substantial 3433-333.C333C33-334.C333CA3C3.333-3C33C3.CAC3333C3C.33.3232 N[^hinvestment in time and effort. Also, a number of GRAs are now in place and you may wish to i3-3.M332M333222=.2232M332HB=.2333A333.3233-33M3-A.31#2 xN^hcoordinate your .333333-3322 x^hresponses within the GRA. 3.333-3.A3333HB= 2 x8 ^h J2 N^^hIndividual national points of contact for particular aspects of the ocean observing system in 33-333"33333"333/"2".323.!2"33.33"3.33.."2!33"3.333"23.3-34".-.3L"22 |NW^hyour nation may have already provided information through separate requests, and clear -33,3332,M3-,33-3+3333-,33-333,32L333+33242,.33232+2433.-,332,.33S2 N0^hreferences to these other questionnaires are giv2233.3.!3"32.3"332!433.33333-"33!4-M2  ,^hen at the appropriate points below to avoid 33"3!33"3333233"323."333A"3"3-332 ON[^hduplication of effort and promote consistency. Some of the questions are repeated from the i333.333!2!23!333 33M23 .33..33.-!=2M3!2 32 433-33.!22 333332 2M 32-- 2 N^h2005 I3333 2 M^h-+2 l^hGOOS national reports GGH=32333233-- @ !N-  -h^- 2 3 '-42 0^h, and your previous answerse332-3323-33.33.A3."2  ^h may guide you.M3-4333-33 2 2^h K 2 "N^h K@Times New Roman-@Times New Roman- -h^42 N "2 < '- @ !N-  2 ^h K@"Arial- @"Arial- - - - h^- 2 N1'- "2 Gl^h http://www.ioc..<<;.* 2 G^h-2 G ^hgoos.org/i./.*.. 2 G^h-2 G/^hgoos/..* 2 G^h K- - h^- 2 }N2'- 72 l^h http://www.iode.org/index.ph ..<<;/.......*..a2 9^hp?option=com_oe&task=viewGroupRecord&groupID=59&Itemid=42c./.../0*.G...7.*+0)/;A../<.*./7../.=0./7.G.0.. 2 h^h L- - h^- 2 N3'- U2 l1^h http://ioc.unesco.org/goos/MS/General/nation.htm...*...**.../..*E7A/..//.../G 2  ^h JSystemd - hh^^gg]]ff\\ee[[ddZZccYYbbXXaaWW``VV _ _U U  ^ ^T T  ] ]S S  \ \R R  [ [Q Q ZZPPYYOOXXNNWWMMVVLL՜.+,D՜.+,L hp  UNESCO/U Questionnaire Observations) Open-ocean/global observing networks Coastal observationsData management' For open-ocean/global observations For coastal observationsProducts and services2 Production of ocean environmental information0 Open-ocean/global products and services3 Application of ocean environmental information#Coordination and capacity-building/ Global coordination and capacity-building 0 Regional coordination and capacity-building0 National coordination and capacity-building Title Headings 8@ _PID_HLINKSADBE"http://www.ioc-goos.org/goos-125x B&http://www.jamstec.go.jp/frcgc/jcope/?.http://www.jamstec.go.jp/frcgc/k7-dbase2/eng/[X<http://cpd2.kishou.go.jp/tcc9http://near-goos1.jodc.go.jp/I@6http://goos.kishou.go.jp/o^3Vhttp://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewGroupRecord&groupID=59&Itemid=420!http://www.jodc.go.jp/index.htmlX-Ohttp://www.data.kishou.go.jp/kaiyou/db/vessel_obs/data-report/html/index_e.htm'*>http://www.jamstec.go.jp/jamstec/TRITON/real_time/php/top.php$r'0http://www4.kaiho.mlit.go.jp/kaihoweb/index.jsp-v$(http://www.jma.go.jp/jp/choi/list1.htmlf}!?http://www.ceos.org/CEOS%20Response%20to%20the%20GCOS%20IP.pdf2L3http://www.eohandbook.com/eohb05/ceos/part3_2.htmlvYhttp://www.oco.noaa.gov/index.jsp?show_page=page_country_contributions.jsp&nav=observing"http://www.ioc-goos.org/gpo-staffV#mailto:a.fischer@unesco.org0?#http://www.ioc-goos.org/ioc-xxii-6O!http://www.ioc-goos.org/goos-148B !http://www.ioc-goos.org/goos-125r( Jhttp://ioc3.unesco.org/oopc/documents/gcos/Implementation_Plan_(GCOS).pdf^R1http://ioc.unesco.org/goos/MS/General/nation.htmo^Vhttp://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewGroupRecord&groupID=59&Itemid=42gkhttp://www.ioc-goos.org/i-goosr(Jhttp://ioc3.unesco.org/oopc/documents/gcos/Implementation_Plan_(GCOS).pdfO!http://www.ioc-goos.org/goos-148  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~Root Entry F0hO誓Data 1Table WordDocument7SummaryInformation(>DocumentSummaryInformation8CompObjf  FMicrosoft Word MSWordDocWord.Document.89q