ࡱ> ` 'bjbjss ; R$/86J<v4,, .... LY$}@+B+B+B+B+B+B+$-h!0nf+  f+..G,   @..@+ @+   . LPo ],0, 00 0 >, $f+f+ ,v4v4v4deڙ$Dv4v4v4ڙD",N VOS Recruitment / De-recruitment / Update FORMTEXT VOS FORMDROPDOWN Date of action:  FORMTEXT      VOSP002General Instructions(1) Use the Tab key (or Shift + Tab to go back) or the mouse to move between the fields. (2) Do NOT add commas or use the ENTER key. (3) Enter ALL dates in your local format (DD/MM/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY) for storage in YYYYMMDD format.Ship DetailsPub47 Code TableNMS Ident Number (if applicable)- FORMTEXT      (1)Length (m) FORMTEXT      (8)Ship name- FORMTEXT      (2)Breadth (m) FORMTEXT      (9)Call sign- FORMTEXT      (4)Freeboard (m) FORMTEXT      (10)IMO Number- FORMTEXT      (5)Draught (m) FORMTEXT      (11)Country of registration1801 FORMTEXT      (3)Maximum cargo height (m) FORMTEXT      (12)Home port- FORMTEXT      Bridge to bow distance (m) FORMTEXT      (13)Vessel type2201 FORMTEXT      (6)Gross Tonnage FORMTEXT      Vessel digital image(s)2203 FORMDROPDOWN (7)Year of Construction (yyyy) FORMTEXT      Ship s Contact Details for Shore-to-ship CommunicationMethodNumber / DetailMethodNumber / DetailsEmail FORMTEXT       FORMDROPDOWN  FORMTEXT       FORMDROPDOWN  FORMTEXT       FORMDROPDOWN  FORMTEXT       FORMDROPDOWN  FORMTEXT       FORMDROPDOWN  FORMTEXT      Contact InformationDetailsOwner / ManagerLocal AgentName FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT      Company FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT      Address  FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT      PhoneTelephoneFacsimileMobileTelephoneFacsimileMobile FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT      Email FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       RoutesPub47 Code Table1802 FORMTEXT      (14) FORMTEXT      (15) FORMTEXT      (16) FORMTEXT      (17) FORMTEXT      (18) FORMTEXT      (19) FORMTEXT      (20) FORMTEXT      (21) FORMTEXT      (22) FORMTEXT      (23)Observing ProgramPub47 Code TablePub47 Code TableCountry of recruitment1801 FORMTEXT      Class of reporting ship2202 FORMDROPDOWN (28)Reporting frequency0602 FORMDROPDOWN (30)General observing practice0105 FORMDROPDOWN (29)Wind observing practice0103 FORMDROPDOWN (34)Visual observing height (m)- FORMTEXT      (33)Observation transmission method- FORMDROPDOWN (31)Electronic Logbook SoftwareComputer (for electronic logbook software or AWS data entry)TypeVersionOwnerMake and model (NMS-owned only)Serial number (NMS-owned only) FORMDROPDOWN (32a) FORMTEXT      (32b) FORMDROPDOWN  FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT      Automatic Weather Station (AWS) Pub47 Code TableAWS make and model FORMTEXT      (36)AWS baseline check0203 FORMDROPDOWN (35)AWS processing software FORMTEXT      (37)AWS display software FORMTEXT      (38)BarometerPub47 Code TableInstrument 1Instrument 2 (if applicable)Owner- FORMDROPDOWN  FORMDROPDOWN Type0202 FORMDROPDOWN (39) FORMDROPDOWN (45)Make and model- FORMTEXT      (40) FORMTEXT      (46)Height above SLL (m)- FORMTEXT      (41) FORMTEXT      (47)Location0204 FORMDROPDOWN (42) FORMDROPDOWN (48)Pressure units- FORMDROPDOWN (43) FORMDROPDOWN (49)Date of last performance check- FORMTEXT      (44) FORMTEXT      (50)Serial number (NMS-owned only)- FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT      BarographPub47 Code TableInstrument 1Instrument 2 (if applicable)Owner- FORMDROPDOWN  FORMDROPDOWN Type0201 FORMDROPDOWN (71) FORMDROPDOWN (72)Make and model- FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT      Serial number (NMS-owned only)- FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       TemperaturePub47 Code TableInstrument 1Instrument 2 (if applicable)Owner- FORMDROPDOWN  FORMDROPDOWN VXZ\^rtv|~ɾtlZtRJRJ>jh=CJUaJh CJaJhjCJaJ#jBhTh_CJUaJhTCJaJjhTCJUaJh:8h:8CJaJhiCJaJmHnHu#j@Bhih:UCJUaJhiCJaJjhiCJUaJhmh:8mH sH hmhymH sH hSRhyCJ4aJ4mH sH hSRhm5CJ4aJ4mH sH hyjh(UXZ\fZZZ $$Ifa$gd@DAkdA$$Ifl4808t(<<- t0<2944 laq $$Ifa$gdm $$Ifa$gd n''  ( * 0 2   2 4 ÿuduSuG;Gu;h@DAB*CJaJphhC'kB*CJaJph hK1ohK1o>*B*CJaJph hK1ohK1o5B*CJaJphhK1ohK1oB*CJaJphhSRhK1oB*CJaJph hSRhK1o5B*CJaJphhC'k5B*CJaJphh6hK1o5 hK1o5h:8h:8h:8CJaJjhFICJUaJjh=CJUaJ#jCh=h&$CJUaJh=CJaJ * 6 XOCOOO $$Ifa$gdu $IfgdK1okd.D$$Ifl4\8t]+(<<D t0<2944 laq4 8 : J P @ ` b ij𳢔xj`V`Ihrh NCJ^JaJh NCJ^JaJhOCJ^JaJhrh}5CJ^JaJh-ChK1oCJaJ *hK1ohK1oB*CJaJph *hdyB*CJaJph *hdyhK1oB*CJaJph *hdyhdyB*CJaJphhSRhK1oB*CJaJph 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UCJ^JaJjhKLCJU^JaJ'j`hKLhKLCJU^JaJDry bulb thermometer type2002 FORMDROPDOWN (51) FORMDROPDOWN (57)Hygrometer type0802 FORMDROPDOWN (63) FORMDROPDOWN (65)Dry bulb make and model- FORMTEXT      (52) FORMTEXT      (58)Wet bulb make and model- FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT      Dry bulb and wet bulb exposure0801 FORMDROPDOWN (53 & 64) FORMDROPDOWN (59 & 66)Location of temperature screen2001 FORMDROPDOWN (54) FORMDROPDOWN (60)Height above SLL (m)- FORMTEXT      (55) FORMTEXT      (61)Temperature reporting practice2003 FORMDROPDOWN (56) FORMDROPDOWN (62)Serial number (NMS-owned only)-ScreenDry bulbWet bulbScreenDry bulbWet bulb FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT      Sea Surface TemperaturePub47 Code TableInstrument 1Instrument 2 (if applicable)Owner- FORMDROPDOWN  FORMDROPDOWN Method of observation1901 FORMDROPDOWN (67) FORMDROPDOWN (69)Depth below SLL (m)- FORMTEXT      (68) FORMTEXT      (70)Serial number (NMS-owned only)- FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT      AnemometerPub47 Code TableInstrument 1Instrument 2 (if applicable)Owner- FORMDROPDOWN  FORMDROPDOWN Type0102 FORMDROPDOWN (73) FORMDROPDOWN (82)Make and model- FORMTEXT      (74) FORMTEXT      (83)Location0101 FORMDROPDOWN (75) FORMDROPDOWN (84)Distance from bow (m)- FORMTEXT      (76) FORMTEXT      (85)Distance from centre line (m)- FORMTEXT      (77) FORMTEXT      (86)Side indicator from centre line0104 FORMDROPDOWN (78) FORMDROPDOWN (87)Height above SLL (m)- FORMTEXT      (79) FORMTEXT      (88)Height above deck (m)- FORMTEXT      (80) FORMTEXT      (89)Date of last performance check- FORMTEXT      (81) FORMTEXT      (90)Serial number (NMS-owned only)-CupsVaneCupsVane FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       Other InstrumentationPub47 Code Table1501 FORMTEXT      (91)Owner FORMDROPDOWN  FORMTEXT      (92)Owner FORMDROPDOWN  FORMTEXT      (93)Owner FORMDROPDOWN  FORMTEXT      (94)Owner FORMDROPDOWN  FORMTEXT      (95)Owner FORMDROPDOWN  FORMTEXT      (96)Owner FORMDROPDOWN FootnotesPub47 Code TableUse  Other Comments if insufficient space0601 FORMDROPDOWN Additional detail FORMTEXT       FORMDROPDOWN Additional detail FORMTEXT       FORMDROPDOWN Additional detail FORMTEXT       FORMDROPDOWN Additional detail FORMTEXT       FORMDROPDOWN Additional detail FORMTEXT       FORMDROPDOWN Additional detail FORMTEXT      Digital Image Filenames ( Refer to WMO No. 47 Metadata Format Version 03, Annex 6, for the SOT-approved filename convention and recommended suite of digital images )1 FORMTEXT      2 FORMTEXT      3 FORMTEXT      4 FORMTEXT      5 FORMTEXT      6 FORMTEXT      7 FORMTEXT      8 FORMTEXT      9 FORMTEXT      10 FORMTEXT      11 FORMTEXT      12 FORMTEXT      13 FORMTEXT      14 FORMTEXT      15 FORMTEXT      16 FORMTEXT      Other CommentsPublications Supplied to Ship FORMTEXT       FORMCHECKBOX   FORMTEXT        FORMCHECKBOX   FORMTEXT        FORMCHECKBOX   FORMTEXT        FORMCHECKBOX   FORMTEXT       FORMCHECKBOX   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