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Particular interest was given to countries in West Africa and the Gulf of Guinea, with the organization of two workshops, one for French-speaking countries and another for English-speaking countries funded by the U.S. Navy with the collaboration of Howard University, the Dakar University and the oceanographic and meteorological services of Senegal and Nigeria. These two actions, in which I participated as resource person, are detailed in the following. Some Thoughts on the Capacity Building Strategy Here are some thoughts on the revision of the capacity building strategy in respect of the guiding principles of JCOMM. Challenges: Support implementation of the JCOMM programs by training, especially to cope with natural disasters such as tsunamis and storm surges; Increasing need for training and continuing education in developing countries; Increasing users requirements of oceanographic-meteorological information; Technological means in terms of observation, modeling and forecasting techniques; Limited resources for JCOMM. Some Measures: Develop training materials, ensure its translation into at least three languages: English, French and Spanish, and facilitate access to information (for example, develop a catalog of educational materials available on the Web); Increase distance training through the use of videoconferencing technology; Promote training of trainers; Establish partnerships with donors; Strengthen regional and sub regional cooperation. Current Status of Services for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology in the Region of West Africa and the Gulf of Guinea Countries that have participated in these workshops are: Mauritania, Cape Verde, Senegal, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Nigeria, Togo, Cameroon, Benin, Cote d'Ivoire, Gabon and Ghana. Among the 13 countries of West Africa and the Gulf of Guinea, only four countries currently broadcasting marine weather forecasts: Mauritania, Senegal, Gambia, which began just after the Dakar Workshop and Nigeria, which has begin after the Lagos Workshop. Although the region lack of observations especially on the coastal strip, we showed that with the observational data and training materials available on the Internet, SMNH can initiate the activity of marine forecasting to meet the needs of socio-economic sectors, particularly artisanal fisheries. Morocco has volunteered to assist the region in setting up such an activity. The main recommendations arising from these two workshops are summarized below: The need to assist countries in the region in setting up a system for monitoring the coastal zone. Action: restart the projects initiated by Spain and the U.S. Navy to meet those needs and develop a close collaboration with GOOS Africa programs; Develop the skill of the forecasters in the region in the field of Maritime Meteorology. Action: Morocco can play an important role in this area like this has been done for Senegal and Mauritania in the framework of regional cooperation; Strengthening cooperation among countries in the region. Action: focal points were designated for each country in the region with the aim of exchanging experiences and products. Training activities carried out since JCOMM III EUMETSAT/NOAA /IODE Training Course on the Use of Satellite Wind and Wave Products for Marine Forecasting, Oostende, Belgium,14 - 18 December 2009 Technology transfer/training on ocean forecasting systems GODAE International Summer School, Perth, Australia, January 2010. WIGOS/JCOMM Training Workshop on Marine Instrumentation for the Regional Association IV organized by NDBCP, Stennis Space Center, United States, 13-15 April 2010 WIO-DBCP workshop: The first IOC-WMO Data Buoy Cooperation Panel In-Region Western Indian Ocean Capacity Building Workshop, Cape Town, South Africa, 1923 April 2010 The Maritime Safety Services Enhancement Workshop, including a QM training, focused on Internal Audit procedures, Melbourne, Australia, May 2010 Regional Technical Workshop for Marine Forecasting, Research and Applications (Howard University/Cheikh Anta Diop University/ANAMS), Dakar, Senegal, 12-17 July 2010 Technical Workshop on Marine Forecasting for Maritime Security in the Gulf of Guinea: Operations, Research and Applications on Management of Hazards (US Navy/NIMET/NIOMR), Lagos, Nigeria, 14-23 September 2010 Training Activities Proposed for the Remaining Inter-sessional Period - Fourth International Port Meteorological Officers (PMO) Workshop, and Support to Global Ocean Observations using Ship Logistics, Orlando, United States, 8-10 December 2010 Second Advisory workshop on Enhancing Forecasting Capabilities for North Indian Ocean Storm Surges, India, 11-15 February 2011 - The second IOC-WMO Data Buoy Cooperation Panel In-Region Western Indian Ocean Capacity Building Workshop, Mauritius, April 2011 - JCOMM Marine Instrumentation workshop for the Asia-Pacific region, Tianjin, China, first half of 2011 Sea Ice Analysis Training, June 2011 Training Course on the Use of Satellite Wind and Wave Products for Marine Forecasting, Morocco is willing to host this event in 2011 Application of Satellite Observation, 2011 Training Course/Workshop on Instrument Metadata (requirements and practical exchange), 2011 Training Course on the use of Table driven codes for marine meteorology and operational oceanography, 2011 Training Course on the establishment of ODP data nodes (v.1) (REGIONS), 2011 International Workshop on Advances in the Use of Historical Marine Climate Data (MARCDAT), 2011 - JCOMM Marine Instrumentation workshop for the WMO Regional Association I, Casablanca, Morocco, 2012.     MAN-VIII/Doc. 3.2, p.  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