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Warning Text8dq:F3ffff̙̙3f3fff3f3f33333f33333\`BJCOMM Marine Services6 GOOS___dossier_rqmts_2006_BT;g1 d3 d3 months6 months0.1 km2 5 km day-1 1 km day-1 3 km day-1 0.5 km day-1 0.3 m2 cm5 cm20 cm2 d4 d 1 km3 day-1 7 d15 d30 d90 dMaritime Safety Services*Precipitation rate (liquid) at the surface0.20 h0.15 h0.1 mm/h1 mm/h0.5 mm/h Sea Level0.05 h0.11 h0.4 hAir pressure over sea surface2 h0.5 hPa1 hPaMarine Modeling Air Temperature at surface Air specific humidity at surface3 KbAssimilation into/real-time validation of global wave forecast models and Maritime Safety ServicesbAssimilation into/real-time validation of global wave forecast models and maritime Safety ServicesdAssimilation into/real-time validation of regional wave forecast models and Maritime Safety Services1 year1 week2 year1.5 year4 weeks2 weeks0.2 KAdditional collocated measurements required. Process studies likely to require dedicated dense sampling in small regions, and sampling to higher frequency than routine monitoring. Wave observations should be included routinely in studies of air-sea interaction1000 km240 h72 h1%/0.05m1 degree0.5 h 2 degreesSea Surface Winds: DirectionMarine ModelingWave climate applications may rely on nearshore wave modeling. Hence validation data for use in nearshore wave models is an additional requirement for climate applicationsWind Speed: ProfilesSea Surface Winds: SpeedAtmosferic Modeling (Coastal)Atmospheric Modeling (Coastal)10 m0.01 hPa10 km 100 m0.08 h0.1 m/s0.5 m/sSea Surface TemperatureAtmospheric Modeling (Global)(Atmospheric and Marine Modeling (Global)Climate ModelingOcean Temperature: ProfilesClimate Modeling (Offshore) Ocean color 0 m0.5 m50 km 1 wk5 d1 month2 wks20 d5 m1 m0.01 h0.1 m0.03 m0.01 mSalinity: SurfaceSalinity: Sub-surface, Profiles0.05 ppt0.1 ppt0.07 ppt#Ocean Currents: Direction (surface)Coastal applicationsOpen Ocean ApplicationsOcean Currents: Speed (surface)$Ocean Currents: Direction (profiles) Ocean Currents: Speed (profiles)Offshore applications0.25 h 1 degrees1 m 0.2 m/s0.05 m/sImagery: cloud BathymetrySea-ice extent/edgeSea-ice concentrationSea-ice leads/polynyas&Sea-ice stage of development (ice age)Sea-ice motionSea-ice thickness$Sea-ice melt onset, duration of meltVSea-ice surface characteristics (albedo, meltpond, dust, snow properties, temperature)Sea-ice volume/mass fluxSnow depth on Sea-iceMarine climatologySea-ice services15 km1-5 km13 km0.5 km0.3 km 1 km1 km "Requirement" "Hor Res""HR BT""HR Min" "Vert Res""VR BT""VR Min" "Obs Cycle""OC BT""OC Min""Delay of availability""DA BT""DA Min" "Acc - RMS""AC BT""AC Min"CF_NAMEUseRemarksAf_srce10 km50 km1 km5 km24 h3 h0.1 K0.5 K25 km100 km200 km2 m/s5 m/s300 km6 h720 h1 K1 m/s500 km10 d12 h30 km1 h 10 degreesSignificant Wave Heigh (global)Dominant Wave Period (global)Wave Period (global)21D frequency spectral wave energy density (global)22D frequency spectral wave energy density (global)!Significant Wave Heigh (regional)Dominant Wave Period (regional)Wave Period (regional)41D frequency spectral wave energy density (regional)42D frequency spectral wave energy density (regional)0.1 km2 km60 km20 km0.1 h6 h 2%/0.1m 5 degrees0.1s 10%/0.25m 22.5 degrees1s5%/0.25m0.5sEAssimilation into/real-time validation of global wave forecast modelsGAssimilation into/real-time validation of regional wave forecast modelstData with spatial coverage would be advantageous. Collocated surface wind data advantageous for real-time validationLDirectional accurancy requirements for 2D spectra as for wave direction datauStrong requeriment for data with spatial coverage. Collocated surface wind data advantageous for real-time validation.Delayed mode validation of wave forcast modelsPriority is increased coverage of high quality spectral observations. Additional parameters of use for delayed mode validation (e.g. surface wind data, full time series of sea surface elevation)0Calibration/validation of satellite wave sensors"Ocean wave climate and variabilityRole of waves in coupling5Collocation with satellite ground tracks advantageous$Storm Surge and tsunami forecastingW wGw,=x1|1 K  Y y I < I" "CY#&cc||GN‹}-}= * \(#,##}A}2 * \(#,##-"??_);_}A}3 * \(#,##?-"??_);_}A}4 * \(#,##23-"??_);_}-}5 * \(#,##}A}1 a* \(#,##-"??_);_}A}( * \(#,##-"??_);_}A}9 e* \(#,##-"??_);_}}7 ??v* \(#,##̙-"??_);_   }}; ???* \(#,##-"??_);_??? ??? ??? ???}}) }* \(#,##-"??_);_   }A}8 }* \(#,##-"??_);_}}* * \(#,##-"??_);_??? ??? ??? ???}-}? * \(#,##}x}:* \(#,##-"???? ??? ???}-}/ * \(#,##}U}> * \(#,##-"? }A}" * \(#,##-"?}A} * \(#,##ef-"?}A} * \(#,##L-"?}A} * \(#,##23-"?}A}# * \(#,##-"?}A} * \(#,##ef-"?}A} * \(#,##L-"?}A} * \(#,##23-"?}A}$ * \(#,##-"?}A} * \(#,##ef-"?}A} * \(#,##L-"?}A} * \(#,##23-"?}A}% * \(#,##-"?}A} * \(#,##ef-"?}A} * \(#,##L-"?}A} * \(#,##23-"?}A}& * \(#,##-"?}A} * \(#,##ef-"?}A} * \(#,##L-"?}A}  * \(#,##23-"?}A}' * \(#,## -"?}A} * \(#,##ef -"?}A} * \(#,##L -"?}A}! * \(#,##23 -"?M 20% - Accent1 ef %M" 20% - Accent2 ef %M& 20% - Accent3 ef %M* 20% - Accent4 ef %M. 20% - Accent5 ef %M2 20% - Accent6  ef %M 40% - Accent1 L %M# 40% - Accent2 L湸 %M' 40% - Accent3 L %M+ 40% - Accent4 L %M/ 40% - Accent5 L %M3 40% - Accent6  Lմ %M 60% - Accent1 23 %M$ 60% - Accent2 23ٗ %M( 60% - Accent3 23֚ %M, 60% - Accent4 23 %M0 60% - Accent5 23 %M4 60% - Accent6  23 %AAccent1 O %A!Accent2 PM %A%Accent3 Y %A)Accent4 d %A-Accent5 K %A1Accent6  F %9Bad  % Calculation  }%  Check Cell  %????????? ??? 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